Monday, February 4, 2008

Week 4: What makes a good video podcast? A Review of My Fav.

Geek Woo Podcast 001 - Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

This video podcast was about the process of making the chocolate dipped strawberries. At the first part, it showed the title of the podcast, and explained what they are going to tell us about. This podcast was different than other cooking podcast. Before they show us about the title, I could hear them talking each other in blank background without showing anything. It also attracted me and I got more interested about this podcast. I could see the words that describe about time, cost, and what we will need to make chocolate dipped strawberries, which helped me to understand quickly, and I thought it was simple way to explain it. While they were showing the words, I could also hear the sound of them having a joke each other. I found out several things that make good video podcast while I was watching “Chocolate Dipped Strawberries”.
In this case, the lighting and silent background sounds were great, and especially music was fitted well. Although it was not professionally well explained, the story was interested to me, because I was curious about how to make chocolate dipped strawberries from the first, and the reason I picked this podcast is I wanted to try it later. It had appropriate time, which was not too long or not too short, and they spoke clearly, so I understood everything what they talked about. However I though there were some problems in this podcast, because first of all it did not have professional quality, and also ability to filming skill was not that great. There was one part that was totally out of topic, because while they were waiting for chocolate to freeze, it showed one of them playing game. I think it was just for fun, but it might be confusing to other people who watch podcast.
In conclusion, some important points that make a good podcast are interesting topic and make people to be interest. A good podcast need to have creative style, focus on one topic, lighting and no sound clutter, good filming skill, professional quality, and speaking clearly.

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