Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 2: Seeking a best of…

Humor blog-

I think there are some important points that make the good blogs, and one of them is making people to get more interests about that blog. Another one is that the information in a blog is easy to understand and read. While I was searching for many different kinds of blog website, I discovered interesting humor blog called ‘The Sneeze’. The blog grabbed my attention with its unique design and many interesting colorful images. I highly evaluated this blog because of two reasons. First of all, as I looked inside of the blog deeply, I discovered interesting fact about this blog. Unlike the other humor blogs or websites, ‘The Sneeze’ did not contain any typical joke stories. However, ‘The Sneeze’ used daily and normal facts as its main interesting topic. Second one is that it contained many audio and video files that describe the information, and it helped the blog looks better. As I go on, I’ll make some important points of my evaluation.
In this blog, every explanation includes an image or video clips that support it. And “The Raisins 2007”, which is in a main page, has a sub describe about downloading mp3 file if the video clip does not work. It says, “If it won’t play, here’s an mp3 File”. Although this does not look big deal, I can see the consideration towards the viewers. This blog also has background music, and this music made me to stay more in this blog. It has so many different topics, from cereal characters to Macdonald slogan. However, each topic well described with interesting images and words. For example, when they were describing about the cereal characters, the title of it is “The Cheap-Ass Cereals”, and of course I clicked this title because this title attracted me. This blog’s strength is affecting my point of view, because it makes me to think about the subject in different way. In conclusion, I think this blog is really creative and well explained.

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